Skip Navigation LinksGovernance


This page provides documents covering ASC governance statues, meeting materials and financial information.​

2015 AIHEC National Student Congress Directory.xlsx
2015-2016 ASC Historian Packet.pdf
2015-2016 ASC President and Vice President Packet.pdf
2015-2016 ASC Regional Representative Packet.pdf
2015-2016 ASC Secretorial Packet.pdf
2015-2016 ASC Sergeant at Arms Packet.pdf
2015-2016 ASC Treasurer Packet.pdf
AIHEC Code of Conduct.pdf
Constitution and Bylaws of the ASC.pdf
ASC 5.22.15 Minutes.docx
ASC 6.17.15 Minutes.docx
ASC 7.10.15 Minutes.docx
ASC Agenda 7.10.15.docx
ASC Agenda 7.24.15.docx
ASC  Budget FY-14.pdf
ASC  Budget FY-15.xls