Student Success


Student Success Collaborative


Walmart Foundation, AIHEC, HACU, and NAFEO

AIHEC, in collaboration with HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities), and NAFEO (National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education) which serves the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions has received support from the Walmart Foundation for the Walmart AIHEC HACU NAFEO Student Success Collaborative. The purpose of this $3 million project is to increase college success rates at these Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Combined, these three partner organizations educate a large segment of African American, American Indian, and Hispanic students, who are disproportionately low-income, first generation, and historically underserved.
The Collaborative, as a pilot project:
1. Is identifying successful intervention strategies for supporting student success;
2. Will disseminate and support implementation of these strategies;
3. Is building a community of practice among participating MSIs around student success; and
4. Assisting participating institutions to increase the number of students completing their academic programs. 
The Project is using a Mentor/Mentee or Protégé Model with six colleges/universities from each of the three communities selected to participate in this pilot project. The mentor/protégé colleges and mentee colleges are:
Mentor TCUs:             Leech Lake Tribal College, Cass Lake, MN
                               Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM
Mentor HSIs:             California State University – Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
                               St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
                               Community College of Denver, Denver, CO
Mentor HBCUs:           Wylie College, Wylie, TX
                               Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
                               J. F. Drake Technical College, Huntsville, AL
Mentee TCUs:            Fort Peck Community College, Poplar, MT
                               Ilisagvik College, Barrow, AK
                               Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND
                               Stone Child College, Box Elder, MT
Mentee HSIs:             New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM
                               San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino, CA
                               Universidad de Sagrado Corazon, Santurce, Puerto Rico
Mentee/Protégé          North Carolina Central University, Raleigh/Durham, NC
HBCUs/PBIs                Rust College, Holly Springs, MS
                               Southern University at New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
The final phase of this pilot project will be a national conference to share and disseminate lessons learned and best practices among the participating institutions and other invited institutions from across the nation. A final report will be developed, disseminated, and posted on the project portal.
It is anticipated that these activities will strengthen the MSI contribution to the 2020 national goal of 60 percent of Americans with a college degree. 
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